Electric mobility
Electric cars: a way to reduce your daily carbon footprint?

Electric cars: a way to reduce your daily carbon footprint?

Bertrand Deguerne
Bertrand Deguerne

The carbon footprint is an indicator designed to measure the greenhouse gas emissions linked to an activity on the environment.

Given that these emissions have a non-negligible impact on global warming, reducing one's carbon footprint on a daily basis has become a goal for many.

☁️ The negative impact of internal combustion vehicles on the carbon footprint

Unsurprisingly, transport is responsible for a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions (around 29%), with personal vehicles used on a daily basis accounting for the majority. Aware of this problem, Bump provides daily support for 600 Renault Zity (Renault's car-sharing service) in Paris, offering fast charging facilities right in the heart of the city, bookable remotely, with an availability rate close to 100%.

Heavy goods vehicles are also a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, Bump is already helping last-mile delivery companies (Star Service, Top Chrono, Stuart) to electrify their fleets by electrifying spaces on their sites and in city centers, so that they can charge up without losing time during their rounds.

Since then, TopChrono has committed to electrifying their fleets of 500 vehicles.

🌤 Reduce your carbon footprint by going electric

To calculate the reduction in your carbon footprint when switching to electric power, you need to take into account greenhouse gas emissions during vehicle design (extraction of raw materials to design the battery), use (electricity generation) and end-of-life (treatment of the vehicle at the end of its life, battery recycling, etc.).

Unfortunately, today, producing an electric vehicle emits more greenhouse gases than a combustion vehicle (6.57 tonnes of CO2 versus 3.74 tonnes of CO2).

On the other hand, an electric car emits 3 to 4 times less CO2 in use. So, after 30,000 km, a combustion-powered vehicle will be better for the climate, with a much more attractive carbon footprint (source: Carbone 4).

average carbon footprint of a car sold in 2020

In conclusion, by going electric, the more you drive, the more you will positively impact your carbon footprint compared to a combustion vehicle. What's more, batteries are by no means a limit on the vehicle's lifespan, and the low cost per kilometer is a strong incentive to use them.

⚡️L Bump's response to this challenge

With this in mind, Bump is helping last-mile transport operators, VTCs and car-sharing vehicles to decarbonize their fleets by offering fast charging infrastructures in city centers that can be reserved remotely, with an availability rate close to 100% and invoiced on a per kWh basis.

Our offer is also aimed at private customers who want to recharge quickly in the heart of the city. Our charging stations are interoperable, the price is attractive, the billing is self-explanatory and payment can be made by credit card.

To find out more about our offer, visit our website.

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