Electric mobility
What support is available for the installation of charging stations in companies in 2024?

What support is available for the installation of charging stations in companies in 2024?

Bertrand Deguerne
Bertrand Deguerne
support for the installation of charging stations on company premises in 2024

In 2024, taking the first step towards electrification fleet electrification becomes more accessible thanks to a range of financial assistance and tax credits. Aimed at SMEs and large corporations alike, these measures are designed to simplify the installation of charging stations in the workplace. With programs such as "Advenir" and various local incentives, companies are encouraged to equip their parking lots to support the transition to green mobility. This article guides you through the available grants, illustrating how to make your company a player in sustainable mobility.

Aids available in 2024

The transition to electric mobility in companies is supported by a series of grants and programs designed to reduce the cost of installing charging stations. Here's an overview of the main grants available in 2024, dedicated to companies ready to invest in the electrification of their fleets.

Advenir program: the main bonus for companies

The Advenir program, specially designed to encourage the installation of charging stations in business premises, represents a major initiative for companies. In 2024, Advenir continues to offer substantial financial support, covering up to 40% of the cost of purchasing and installing charging stations, with a ceiling set according to the type of station and the project.

To be eligible, companies must commit to installing charging stations that are accessible to the public or their employees, to encourage shared use of the recharging infrastructure. In addition, the charging stations must comply with current standards, particularly in terms of safety and interoperability.

The process for obtaining support from the Advenir program involves several key steps. Interested companies must first register on the program's dedicated website and submit a detailed description of their project, including technical specifications for the chosen bollards and an installation plan. After a preliminary assessment, a complete file must be compiled, including quotations from approved suppliers and installers, as well as the necessary supporting documents attesting to the project's compliance with Advenir's eligibility criteria.

Once the application has been validated and the aid granted, the companies can proceed with the installation of the bollards. It is important to note that payment of the grant is conditional on actual completion of the project and submission of a final report demonstrating that the installation complies with the initially approved project. The sums committed will then be reimbursed. The Advenir program offers a significant opportunity for companies to reduce the costs associated with electrifying their parking spaces, while contributing to the expansion of the publicly accessible recharging network.


Tax incentives, discounts and local grants

Companies wishing to install charging stations for electric vehicles can benefit from a variety of tax incentives and reductions, apart from the Crédit d'Impôt pour la Transition Énergétique, which is reserved for private individuals. These incentives are designed to ease the financial burden associated with the electrification of corporate parking spaces and encourage the adoption of electric vehicles.

  • Accelerated depreciation: companies can benefit from accelerated depreciation on the purchase of electric charging stations, which reduces taxable profits by accelerating the deduction of investment costs.
  • Exemption from Taxe sur les Véhicules de Société (TVS): electric vehicles are often exempt from Taxe sur les Véhicules de Société (TVS), a significant incentive for companies choosing to electrify their fleets.
  • Reductions in the Contribution Économique Territoriale (CET): the installation of charging stations may also entitle you to reductions in the Contribution Économique Territoriale (CET), depending on local regulations.
  • Regional and local subsidies: in addition, regional and local subsidies may be available to further reduce the cost of installing charging stations. These subsidies may vary according to the company's location, and are often conditional on projects contributing to sustainable mobility or reducing CO2 emissions.

To access these incentives, companies must comply with the specific eligibility criteria for each measure and complete the necessary steps, which may include submitting supporting documentation or registering for specific programs. It is advisable to contact local tax authorities or organizations dedicated to energy transition for detailed information on the incentives available and the procedures to be followed.

These tax incentives and reductions are important levers for companies committed to the energy transition, enabling them to reduce the costs of installing charging stations and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in their business fleets.

Energy Transition Tax Credit (CITE)

The Energy Transition Tax Credit (Crédit d'Impôt pour la Transition Énergétique - CITE), while beneficial for encouraging eco-responsible initiatives, is specifically aimed at private individuals. Companies, including SMEs and large structures, are not eligible for this tax scheme. The CITE is designed to support individuals in their efforts to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, including the installation of home electric charging stations. Businesses seeking financial assistance for the installation of charging stations should look to other programs and subsidies, such as the bonuses seen above, designed to specifically address the needs of professional structures in their transition to electric mobility.

Aid to meet the requirements of the LOM law

The French Law on Mobility (Loi d'Orientation des Mobilités - LOM), adopted to accelerate the transition to more sustainable mobility, imposes new obligations on businesses, particularly in terms of installing charging stations for electric vehicles. The aid available plays a crucial role in enabling companies to respond effectively to these regulatory requirements.

Obligation to install charging stations

In 2024 (and as in recent years), the LOM law stipulates that all new buildings or parking lots undergoing major renovation must provide electric charging stations for at least 20% of their parking spaces. This provision concerns parking lots with a capacity of more than 20 spaces, and applies to both collective residential buildings and professional establishments.

For existing parking lots owned by companies and public authorities, a gradual obligation has been introduced: by 2025, at least 5% of spaces in parking lots with more than 100 spaces must be equipped with recharging stations. This percentage is intended to increase gradually, to encourage a smooth transition to a widespread and accessible recharging infrastructure.

Financing charging infrastructure

Subsidies, such as those offered by the Advenir program, make it possible to finance a significant proportion of the costs involved in purchasing and installing a charging station. This is essential to help companies comply with legal obligations without overburdening their finances.

The LOM law also encourages companies to anticipate future growth in demand for electric recharging. The financial aid available supports companies in the installation of scalable infrastructures, capable of adapting to growing needs for electric recharging.

aid for installation of car charging stations

How do I qualify?

To turn the benefits of assistance programs into tangible reality, companies need to navigate application procedures and meet eligibility criteria. Dear fleet managers or HR managers, here are the key steps and tips for effectively accessing these financial supports.

Identifying needs and eligibility

Before applying for a grant, make a precise assessment of your needs in terms of number of charging stations and recharging capacity. Consult the eligibility criteria for each grant to check that your project meets the requirements, whether for the Advenir program or regional subsidies.

File preparation

It's essential to put together a solid application. It must include a detailed description of the project, quotes for equipment and installation, and the supporting documents required by the funding organization. Particular attention must be paid to the clarity and precision of the information provided.

Selecting suppliers and installers

Opt for IRVE-approved suppliers and installers, whose products and services meet current standards (such as NF or RCS for France). Some aid programs, such as Advenir, may require the use of specific equipment or certified installers for the project to be eligible.

Project implementation and compliance

Once your application is complete, submit it to the relevant organization within the allotted time. Follow up regularly to anticipate any additional requests and to stay informed of the progress of your application.

Once the grant has been awarded, make sure that the charging station installation complies with the project submitted. Bear in mind that aid organizations may carry out checks or audits to ensure that the installation is compliant and of high quality.

Key points to consider for installation

There's much more to installing a corporate charging station than simply installing the equipment. A number of key factors need to be taken into account to ensure an efficient, sustainable infrastructure tailored to the specific needs of each company.

Analysis of energy requirements

An accurate assessment of recharging needs is crucial. Consider the number of current and future electric vehicles, their daily use, and the recharging capacity required. This analysis will help determine the number of charging stations required and their optimal distribution on site.

Terminal location and safety

The location of a charging station must facilitate access for users while minimizing disruption to the existing parking lot. Take into account proximity to power sources and the possibility of future expansion of the charging infrastructure.

Make sure your installation complies with current safety standards and regulations. The use of certified equipment (such as NF in France) and compliance with installation guidelines help guarantee user safety and the longevity of the infrastructure.

Grid integration and intelligent solutions

The impact of the installation on the company's electrical network must be assessed. In some cases, it may be necessary to upgrade the existing electrical installation to support the additional load. Collaboration with energy suppliers and local authorities is essential to anticipate and resolve these issues.

Opt for intelligent recharging solutions, capable of managing energy distribution optimally and adapting to future needs. Infrastructure scalability, in terms of number of charging stations and charging technologies, is a key factor to consider.

By considering these elements, companies can ensure that their investment in charging infrastructure is not only beneficial in the short term, but also viable and adaptable to future developments in the electric mobility market.


European aid comparison

France is not alone in offering incentives. Other European countries are also deploying various forms of financial aid to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and the installation of charging stations, with varying eligibility conditions, amounts and terms and conditions. Let's take a look at the range of incentives available across Europe, and see how France compares with its neighbors.

In Germany

In Germany, the purchase of new electric vehicles is encouraged by a government subsidy of up to 9,000 euros for those costing less than 40,000 euros, and 7,500 euros for those costing between 40,000 and 65,000 euros, with manufacturers contributing to this subsidy. For second-hand models, a grant of 5,000 euros is available. These vehicles are also exempt from vehicle tax for 10 years. Germany also supports the installation of private charging stations, with a subsidy of 900 euros per charging point.

In the United Kingdom

In the UK, new owners of electric cars can reduce their investment by £3,000 (around 3,500 euros), for models costing less than £50,000 (around 58,000 euros). For electric motorcycles or scooters, the discount is £1,500 (around €1,700). Although used electric vehicles are not eligible for these grants, they are exempt from vehicle tax and congestion charge in London. Britons can also count on £350 (approx. 400 euros) to install a charging station at home.

In Spain

In Spain, the purchase of a new vehicle is encouraged by a grant of 5,500 euros for cars costing less than 45,000 euros, and 4,000 euros for those costing between 45,000 and 60,000 euros. However, this assistance is conditional on the scrapping of an old vehicle. Purchasers of used versions receive a 700-euro grant. Ownership of an electric vehicle may also lead to exemption from vehicle tax in certain regions. Last but not least, Spain encourages the installation of domestic or collective charging stations , with a subsidy of 1,000 euros.

France compared with its European neighbors

France is well positioned among European nations in terms of support for the adoption of electric mobility, encouraging companies to implement a mobility plan. Indeed, it is above the average, with significant incentives for the purchase and installation of electric vehicles and their recharging infrastructure. One notable point is the combination of the ecological bonus and the conversion premium, which can amount to up to 12,000 euros for an individual. In addition, France stands out for offering aid for the purchase of a used electric vehicle, a measure not generalized in all countries. However, other countries, such as Germany and Spain, are more generous when it comes to installing a private charging station.

These purchase and installation subsidies are powerful driving forces behind the development of electric mobility in Europe. According to data from ACEA (Association des Constructeurs Européens d'Automobiles), sales of electric vehicles jumped by 117% in 2020 compared with the previous year, despite the health crisis. Electric vehicles conquered 10.5% of the European market in 2020, up sharply from 3% in 2019. With a market share of 11.2% for electric vehicles in 2020, France exceeds the European average.


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