Electric mobility
All you need to know about charging stations for professionals

All you need to know about charging stations for professionals

Bertrand Deguerne
Bertrand Deguerne

Electric cars and mobility are gaining ground on our roads, appealing to both private and business customers. This is illustrated by the impressive number of electric vehicles on the road in Europe - over 1.8 million by 2023, including more than 300,000 in France. This growth is accompanied by a growing demand for efficient and appropriate recharging solutions, particularly for business fleets.

For professionals, installing a charging station is an undeniable asset, combining economic benefits with a positive ecological impact. But with so many options to choose from, how do you identify the charging station best suited to your needs? How do you find your way through the different types available, their functions, advantages and limitations, not forgetting the financial aid available to facilitate installation?

Different types of professional charging stations

Electric vehicle recharging solutions for professionals are classified according to two main criteria: the type of current (AC or DC) and the power supplied. Three major categories can be identified: slow charging stations, semi-rapid charging stations and fast charging stations.

Slow charging stations

Slow-charging stations use alternating current (AC) and offer a maximum output of 7.4 kW. These systems are ideal for vehicles with limited range or those parked for long periods. They are frequently installed at home, in condominiums or in company parking lots. Depending on battery capacity, they take between 6 and 12 hours to fully recharge.

Semi-rapid charging stations

Semi-rapid charging stations, which also use alternating current (AC), offer outputs ranging from 7.4 to 22 kW. They are ideal for vehicles that need to be recharged more quickly or that cover longer distances. They are commonly found in public places such as shopping malls and hotels. Recharging generally takes between 2 and 4 hours, depending on battery capacity.

Fast charging stations

As for fast-charging stations, they operate on direct current (DC) and offer a power rating in excess of 22 kW, making them suitable for vehicles requiring critical recharging, often after long journeys. Typically installed at service stations, freeway service areas or industrial estates, they can recharge an electric car battery in 15 to 30 minutes.

Differences between AC and DC terminals :

  • AC (Alternating Current) : AC charging stations are generally used for slow to semi-rapid recharging (7.4 kWh to 22 kWh). They are simpler and less costly to install. The conversion of AC current into DC current, necessary for recharging the battery, is carried out by the vehicle's on-board converter.
  • DC (Direct Current): DC charging stations are used for rapid recharging (from 50 kWh upwards). They incorporate a converter that transforms AC current into DC before transferring it to the vehicle, enabling much faster recharging.

How professional charging stations work

The operation of electric vehicle charging stations varies according to the type of current, the power available and the communication protocol in use. Let's find out how this charging process works, and the resulting electrical power requirements.

The recharging process

The recharging process consists of several phases. Of course, the user must first connect the vehicle to the charging station using a cable, which may be either integrated into the station or in the boot of the car (on-board cable). Through the communication protocol (such as OCPP), the station performs various checks, such as user authentication, network availability and vehicle charging compatibility. Once these checks have been made, the terminal transfers electricity to the vehicle, which then transforms this current to recharge the battery. It should be noted that the power delivered will depend on the bollard model, the initial state of the battery and weather conditions. The driver can monitor the recharging process via the terminal's display or, if available, via his or her smartphone, and can interrupt the process at any time. Once recharging is complete, the user disconnects the cable and receives a summary detailing the duration, energy consumed and cost of the charge.

Electrical power requirements

Several variables influence the electrical power required to recharge an electric vehicle:

  • Vehicle battery capacity, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh)
  • Initial charge level and battery charge target
  • Terminal power, indicated in kilowatts (kW)
  • The efficiency of the charging system installed in the vehicle, which can be affected by the quality of the equipment and the outside temperature.

It should be noted that the power delivered by the charging station has a direct influence on recharge time. However, the vehicle's capacity to receive current is limited by its on-board charger. For example, if the vehicle's on-board charger is limited to 7 kW, the use of a 22 kW charging station will not allow charging faster than the limit set by the charger.

The power available on the electrical grid must also be considered, as it fluctuates according to time, place and season. If demand from charging stations exceeds available power, there is a risk of power cuts or overheating. Intelligent energy management systems are therefore recommended to optimize power distribution between charging stations and adapt it to actual needs.

The benefits of charging stations for professionals

Installing charging stations for professionals is an advantageous approach, with positive impacts in both ecological and financial terms. They are also an excellent way of attracting and retaining an environmentally-friendly, innovative clientele.

Environmental benefits

Charging stations are key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, particularly from the transport sector. Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles are less polluting, with much lower CO2 and fine-particle emissions than combustion-powered vehicles. According to ADEME, an electric vehicle emits an average of just 17g of CO2 per kilometer, well ahead of the 120g for a gasoline model and the 100g for a diesel. Promoting the use of vehicles that are less harmful to the environment via charging stations is fully in line with energy transition policies and the fight against global warming.

Economic benefits

Installing charging stations at your company can generate significant savings, particularly on fuel and vehicle maintenance costs. Charging an electric car is far more economical than filling up with petrol or diesel. UFC-Que Choisir estimates that the average cost of a recharge is around €2.5 per 100 km driven, compared with €8.5 for a petrol vehicle and €7.5 for a diesel. Added to this is the substantial reduction in maintenance costs, as electric vehicles have fewer mechanical components subject to wear and tear. These savings are directly reflected in business mobility expenses.

Attracting green, environmentally conscious customers

By offering the possibility of recharging electric vehicles, businesses set themselves apart from their competitors and build an eco-responsible reputation with customers. A Forbes study reveals that 87% of consumers have a positive perception of companies committed to environmental causes, and 88% are more loyal to them. By installing charging stations, the company demonstrates its commitment to the environment, attracting a green and committed clientele. Many car rental companies are following suit, as car rental is a market directly concerned by the transition to all-electricity.

7.4kw charging station

Installation of charging stations

Installing charging stations requires a methodical approach and strict compliance with safety standards and regulations. The use of qualified and IRVE-certified professionals is essential to ensure a safe installation that meets user expectations.

Criteria to take into account

To begin with, you need to ask yourself a number of questions when planning your charging station project:

  • How many electric vehicles are in your fleet?
  • What is the average parking time for vehicles in the parking lot?
  • What type of current (AC or DC) and what charging power (slow, semi-fast, fast) are required?
  • Which connectors (domestic, type 1, type 2, type 3, CHAdeMO, Combo CCS, Tesla) are required?
  • How will the terminals be managed and billed (free access, badge, card, smartphone, subscription)?
  • What is the budget for acquisition, installation and maintenance?
  • What financial assistance is available to encourage installation?

Key steps to successful installation

Successful installation of a charging station requires careful planning and compliance with specific procedures. The first step is to carry out a feasibility study to assess energy requirements, the capacity of the existing electrical grid and any site constraints. Next, it's crucial to choose the right equipment, taking into account the power required, the type of terminal (AC or DC) and the specific features of the vehicles to be recharged. Selecting a qualified professional is essential: the latter must be certified with the IRVE (Infrastructure de Recharge de Véhicules Électriques) qualification , guaranteeing specific expertise in this field. The installation process also includes obtaining the necessary authorizations, including building permits if required, and the installation itself, which must be carried out in compliance with current standards.

Safety standards and regulations

Safety is the most critical aspect when installing a charging station. Installations must comply with current standards, in particular NF C 15-100 for electrical installations. This standard covers aspects such as protection against electric shock, weather resistance for outdoor installations, and conformity of the equipment used. In addition, it is imperative to comply with ATEX regulations if the bollard is to be installed in an environment where there is a risk of explosion. Particular attention must be paid to protective measures such as differential circuit breakers and emergency cut-off devices. Installations must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure proper operation and user safety.

Charging infrastructure and grid

The successful integration of charging infrastructures into the electrical grid and the intelligent management of energy consumption are essential to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of electric vehicle charging systems. This contributes to the stability of the electricity grid and promotes a greener, more efficient energy transition.

Integration of charging stations into the existing electrical grid

Integrating electric vehicle charging stations into the existing electrical grid is a key step in ensuring their efficiency and optimal operation. This requires an in-depth analysis of the network's capacity to support the additional load generated by the charging stations. It is essential to assess the impact of this load on the electrical network, particularly during peak hours, to avoid overloads and power cuts. In some cases, upgrades or adaptations to the existing network may be required, such as the addition of transformers or the installation of reinforced power lines. Close collaboration with energy suppliers and local authorities is imperative to ensure proper integration, in line with energy and environmental standards.

Energy management and intelligent solutions

Managing energy consumption is crucial to optimizing the use of charging stations and minimizing their impact on the power grid. Intelligent solutions, such as Load Management Systems (LMS), enable available power to be distributed efficiently between several charging stations, thus avoiding consumption peaks. These systems can dynamically adjust the power delivered to each vehicle according to overall demand and network capacity. The integration of technologies such as smart charging enables charging stations to communicate with the electrical grid to optimize charging periods, favoring off-peak hours or times when renewable energy is abundant. This approach not only reduces the load on the grid, but also encourages the use of clean, renewable energies. Energy storage solutions, such as stationary batteries, can also be used to store electricity during periods of low demand and redistribute it during periods of high demand.

Cost and financing of charging stations

Although the installation of charging stations represents a significant initial investment, the financial incentives available and the long-term economic benefits make it a sound strategic decision for companies wishing to commit to the energy transition.

Installation and maintenance costs

Installing charging stations involves initial and maintenance costs that vary according to the power of the station, the type (AC or DC), and the complexity of the installation. For a standard AC charging point (7.4 kWh to 22 kWh), installation costs can vary from a few thousand euros to higher amounts for fast DC charging points (50 kWh and more). These costs include the purchase of the bollards, installation work, connection to the electrical grid, and the necessary safety devices. Maintenance costs, meanwhile, depend on the frequency of inspections, software updates and parts replacement.

Financial assistance available for the installation of professional charging stations

Installing professional charging stations is a significant investment. Nevertheless, there are a number of financial incentives available to reduce the associated costs. These grants are offered by various players, including the state, local authorities, energy suppliers and car manufacturers. Here's an overview of the main financial assistance you can apply for to install professional charging stations.

  • The ADVENIR program: Supported by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, this scheme is designed to encourage the deployment of charging infrastructures for electric vehicles. ADVENIR offers grants for installations in condominiums, businesses, public spaces or private parking lots, with amounts ranging from €360 to €1,860 per charging point, depending on a number of criteria.
  • Tax credit for the energy transition (CITE): This scheme provides a tax reduction for individuals carrying out work to improve energy efficiency in their primary or secondary homes. The CITE covers 75% of the cost of a charging station, up to €300 per unit, rising to €500 by 2024.
  • Reduced-rate VAT: This measure allows individuals to apply a reduced VAT rate of 5.5% instead of 20% for the acquisition and installation of a charging station, provided the work is carried out by an IRVE-certified professional.
  • Local aid: provided by local authorities (regions, départements, communes), this aid supports electric mobility in the form of subsidies, interest-free loans, tax reductions or preferential rates. They vary according to location, so it's advisable to check with your local authority to find out what options are available.
  • Grants from energy suppliers or car manufacturers: These grants are offered specifically by players in the energy or automotive market, and include discounts, vouchers or other benefits. The terms and conditions of these subsidies vary from promoter to promoter, so it's wise to compare offers to select the most beneficial one.

Future trends and innovation

The field of charging stations offers advances that are transforming electric vehicle charging into a faster, more convenient and more integrated experience. For professionals, these developments represent an opportunity to contribute to the energy transition while meeting their operational needs more effectively.

Emerging technologies in electric recharging

The charging station sector is constantly evolving, thanks to the emergence of new technologies. Among the most attractive innovations are wireless charging systems, which offer the convenience of inductive charging, eliminating the need for cables. Another major advance is the integration of artificial intelligence and IoT (Internet of Things) to optimize energy management and predictive maintenance of charging stations. In addition, the development of ultra-fast charging stations, capable of recharging vehicles in just a few minutes, is transforming the charging experience and making electric vehicles more attractive for intensive use.

The changing needs of businesses and professionals

The needs of businesses and professionals when it comes to charging stations are also evolving. Companies are looking for solutions that are more flexible, efficient and integrated with their existing infrastructures. The focus is on smart, connected charging solutions, capable of adapting to the specific needs of the company and its employees. What's more, with the rise of corporate social responsibility (CSR), charging stations are becoming a key component of sustainability strategies, helping to reduce carbon footprints and promote a positive ecological image.

Charging stations: the Bump solution

Electrical wiring, selection of the charging station, installation of the station and, above all, maintenance to ensure a certain level of availability 24/7: commissioning charging stations in your parking lot can quickly become an ordeal.

A single model for two customized offers

Bump takes care of everything. When we sign a contract with a new partner, that contract automatically includes covering the costs of the electric charging stations from A to Z! So you don't even have to pay for the electricity consumed by the charging stations. This offer is now possible thanks to our unique model:

  • On the one hand, we work with mobility professionals to provide them with high-performance, accessible recharging points in the areas where they make their rounds: city centers and industrial zones.
  • On the other hand, we provide the installation and maintenance of these recharging points free of charge to real estate companies (supermarkets, hotels, parking lots, etc.) for their customers as well as our own, in order to improve our network of recharging points and thus enhance our services.

The combination is such that every investment we make pays off by keeping our promises to our customers, and by extending this model and our vision throughout France, as we have done in Lyon and Paris. Finally, as previously stated, this model ensures optimum availability, so that our mobility partners can be sure of a flawless service.

A promise of trust and quality

To ensure that you benefit from a high-quality recharging service for your fleet or your electric car, we work in collaboration with Europe's recharging station experts.

Our bollards come primarily from French and Spanish companies, and our installation and site partner, Firalp, Enedis' main collaborator, is a champion in its field, with over 400 bollards deployed to its credit.

These collaborations enable us to achieve an optimal availability rate of almost 98% 24/7, and thus to provide professionals with the best possible support in their quest for low-carbon, high-performance mobility.

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