Parking lots
All you need to know about recharging stations for parking lots in the real estate and commercial sectors

All you need to know about recharging stations for parking lots in the real estate and commercial sectors

Bertrand Deguerne
Bertrand Deguerne
charging stations for property and commercial parking lots

Are you a commercial or residential property owner or manager planning to equip your parking lots charging points for electric vehicles? Are you wondering about installation procedures, management and financing options for this equipment? Would you like to integrate this technology into your intelligent building projects? Whether you're an owner, lessor, condominium manager, property manager or lessee, this article is your guide to a detailed understanding of charging stations in the real estate world.

The challenges of electric recharging in commercial property and real estate

The installation of charging stations for electric or hybrid vehicles in the parking lots of commercial or property buildings offers a number of advantages. Let's take a look at some of the key issues involved.

Ecological transition and regulation

It's no longer a mystery: electric recharging significantly reduces CO2 emissions and helps combat air pollution. This is in line with current regulations, which require owners to equip their parking lots with suitable infrastructures. The French Code de la Construction et de l'Habitation specifies that new buildings for tertiary or land use must offer at least 10% of their parking spaces with charging stations. Existing buildings must also follow this rule during any renovation work involving their parking areas.

Enhancing the value of our assets and attracting new tenants

The installation of charging stations is also a real opportunity, as they enhance the value of real estate assets by improving their attractiveness and sustainability. They represent a differentiating and loyalty-building asset for current and potential occupants, who appreciate a practical and environmentally-friendly offering. The installation can also be a source of revenue for owners, who can charge for the use of the charging stations. They can also claim a property tax credit of 30% on the cost of the installations.

Anticipating future user needs

Offering electric recharging solutions also means anticipating the expectations of users, who are increasingly turning to electric or hybrid vehicles. It is estimated that the number of electric and hybrid vehicles in France could reach 15 million by 2030. It is therefore crucial to have adequate recharging capacity to meet this growing demand. The use of intelligent charging stations, which remotely supervise their operation, pricing and maintenance, opens the way to optimizations and innovations that benefit both owners and users.


Installation and management of charging stations: what owners need to know

Are you planning to equip your property with charging stations for electric vehicles? Congratulations, this is both an eco-responsible initiative and a service appreciated by users. However, a number of questions need to be answered: Which charging stations should I choose? How can they be financed? And what about maintenance? Here's an overview to guide you.

Terminal selection and technical criteria

When it comes to choosing the right charging stations, there are several technical criteria to consider: the power offered by the station, the type of socket, the charging mode, as well as connectivity and safety features. Bollards can vary from standard (3 to 22 kW) to ultra-fast (over 150 kW). Make sure that the charging station is compatible with your vehicles, and that your electrical network can handle the charge. Recharging modes are available in normal, accelerated or rapid, and are selected according to the desired recharging time. Connectivity enables remote control of the bollards, useful for management, while safety encompasses protection against power surges, short-circuits and other hazards.

Business models and infrastructure financing

The cost of installing charging stations varies according to a number of factors, with an average of 1,000 to 5,000 euros per charging point. To reduce this investment, several forms of financial assistance are available, such as the 30% property tax credit, Ademe subsidies and support from local authorities via specific programs like Advenir. As an interesting alternative, you can opt for an economic model that makes the installation profitable, such as charging for the use of the charging stations or leasing the equipment to a charging service operator.

Maintenance and operation of charging stations

Regular maintenance of charging stations is crucial to ensuring quality service and user satisfaction. This includes checking functionality, availability, cleanliness and safety. It is also necessary to plan for any breakdowns or acts of vandalism. Maintenance can be handled internally, by a specialized service provider, or by a recharging operator. Operational management includes access, payment, reservation and data management, all of which can be simplified using supervision software. This enables remote control, appropriate parameterization, invoicing and service optimization.

charging stations for real estate and commercial buildings

Integrating charging stations into Smart Building projects

Integrating charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles goes beyond simply adding equipment to real estate parking lots. They are vital components of Smart Buildings, which represent the future of intelligent, connected and eco-responsible housing. They are essential for technical building management, connectivity, efficient data management and cutting-edge solutions for intelligent, adaptable recharging.

Compatibility with building management systems (BMS)

Building management systems control essential services such as air conditioning, lighting and security. It optimizes comfort, energy efficiency and safety. By integrating with the BMS, charging stations harmonize with the electrical network and interact with the control system, enabling remote management adapted to user requirements, electricity tariffs and network supply. The BMS can also synchronize charging with the building's renewable energy production, contributing to self-consumption and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Connectivity and data management: towards intelligent buildings

Data management and network connectivity transform buildings into intelligent environments that adjust to users' needs. Charging stations enrich this intelligence by collecting information on usage and offering analyses to optimize management and anticipate future demands, while enhancing the customer experience through tailor-made services. Kiosks integrated with other services or apps, such as reservation or payment, simplify usage for users.

Innovative solutions for smart, flexible charging

Charging stations evolve with technological innovation. For example, bi-directional charging stations not only charge cars, but also redistribute energy back to the grid or the building in the event of a surplus. This technology is known as V2G for "vehicle-to-grid". Mobile charging stations offer greater flexibility, as they can be moved around to charge without the need for cables.

It's now clear that charging stations are essential to keep pace with the growing wave of electric and hybrid vehicles. For commercial property owners and managers, they represent a considerable advantage. By opting for these installations, you are taking an active part in the ecological transition, while enhancing the value of your assets. What's more, they enhance the attractiveness of rental spaces and position you as a forerunner in the face of changing user needs.

We're here to guide you along this path of innovation and sustainability. Contact us today to discuss your charging station installation project, whether it's for a land project, or even a healthcare facility parking lot! Our team will support you every step of the way, from selecting the right equipment to financing, maintenance and operation.


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